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Welcome to our website, where we share high quality 3D content to enhance your gaming experience. Please Join us on Patreon to explore more. '

歡迎您來到我們的網站, 在這裡您可以找到我們為虛擬遊戲所製作的 3D 場景等作品, 若您喜歡我們的創作, 請成為我的會員提早下載我們的最新作品, 謝謝!
Hi, I'm Ruby Red. I am from Taiwan. Welcome to our website. To explore more of our work, please join us on Patreon. 歡迎大家來到我們的網站, 希望大家會喜歡我們的3D作品與場景 ♡ 請勿二次分享與販售我們的作品. 謝謝您!

Comment from Harris

My game is so much more beautiful because of you. Thank you for all your hard work and for sharing these lovely creations with us :)

Comment from Francis

Just added this into my game and had to come comment! The deco and design of this is just so lovely. The attention to every little detail is just amazing. I am in awe of your talent. I really love it and can't wait to play in it.

Comment from Teresa

So beautiful, Romantic , And splendid!!!! Wonderful build one of my favorites you are so creative and talented. Thank you

Sims 4 Modern Elegance

Lot Type:  Residential

Lot Size:  40 x 30

3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, kitchen, dining room, outdoor dining, swimming pool, study, laundry and a big garage.

此房屋包含 三間臥室 兩間浴室 客廳 廚房 飯廳 戶外用餐區 書房  洗衣間 和一個大車庫!

Packs Used使用的資料片:  Growing Together, High School Years, Get Famous,  City Living, Get Together, Get To Work, Spa Day, Perfect Patio Stuff, Laundry Day Stuff.

*Please turn on bb.moveobjects before placing the lot.  請開啟密技之後放置房屋喔


DOWNLOAD TRAY FILES [Patreon Membership] 

房屋會員下載 或者於下面連結單次購買

One-time Purchse 單次購買

CC Creators: 自訂物作者


  1. Hi, can you tell me who designed the teddy bear with ribbon? I was searching for it.

    1. Hello the bear is my creation. It is available on my Patreon. Thank you so much! :D


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