It is a 50 x 40 retail lot. 零售用地
It has: (9 shops fully furnished) 有九間商店
Paul bakery
Flower shop
Jo Malone store
Chloe Boutique
Ralph Lauren Men Store
Aesop Store
A Mini Mart
A Bookstore
A Tea Shop
Packs Used 使用的資料片: Snowy Escape, Discover University, Island Living, Season, Cats and Dogs, Get Famous, Get Together, City Living, Get to work, Stranger Ville, Jungle Adventure, Parenthood, Vampires, Dine Out, Outdoor Retreat, Realm of Magic, Laundry Day, Vintage Glamour.
*Please enable “bb.moveobjects” before placing the lot
請開啟bb.moveobjects on 密技, 之後再放置用地
Note: Please make sure you have "Get Together" and "Outdoor Retreat packs". Without them the foundation may disappear.
請注意您必須要有露天度假與同歡共樂資料片. 如果沒有地基會無法出現.
*2 dormers need to download separately:
兩個屋頂需要另外下載 (付費). 沒有此物件也不會影響用地的 :)
1. Chateau_dormer1.package
2. Chateau_dormer2.package
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