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Welcome to our website, where we share high quality 3D content to enhance your gaming experience. Please Join us on Patreon to explore more. '

歡迎您來到我們的網站, 在這裡您可以找到我們為虛擬遊戲所製作的 3D 場景等作品, 若您喜歡我們的創作, 請成為我的會員提早下載我們的最新作品, 謝謝!
Hi, I'm Ruby Red. I am from Taiwan. Welcome to our website. To explore more of our work, please join us on Patreon. 歡迎大家來到我們的網站, 希望大家會喜歡我們的3D作品與場景 ♡ 請勿二次分享與販售我們的作品. 謝謝您!

Comment from Harris

My game is so much more beautiful because of you. Thank you for all your hard work and for sharing these lovely creations with us :)

Comment from Francis

Just added this into my game and had to come comment! The deco and design of this is just so lovely. The attention to every little detail is just amazing. I am in awe of your talent. I really love it and can't wait to play in it.

Comment from Teresa

So beautiful, Romantic , And splendid!!!! Wonderful build one of my favorites you are so creative and talented. Thank you

Sims 4 French Mansion 法式豪宅 (FREE)


* 50 x 50 Lot

*3 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms (1 master bedroom, 1 boy's room and 1 girl's room) 3臥室+2浴室 

*Master suite with walk in closet   大主臥與更衣室

*Study area  書房

*Ballet Room  芭蕾舞房

*Large swimming Pool with jacuzzi  大泳池

*BBQ Area  烤肉區

Packs used: 使用的資料片:  Discover University, Island Living, Get Famous, Seasons, Cats and Dogs, City Living, Get Together, Go to Work, Realm of Magic, Parenthood, Vampires, Dine Out, Outdoor Retreat, Laundry Day Stuff, Toddler Stuff, Vintage Glamour Stuff, Backyard Stuff, Romantic Garden Stuff, Cool Kitchen Stuff, Perfect Patio Stuff

*Please enable “bb.moveobjects” before placing the lot
請開啟bb.moveobjects on 密技, 之後再放置用地

If you like my work, please consider support me on Patreon. Get access to all my downloads.❤
這是我的第一間贊助獎勵房屋, 如果您喜歡我的作品, 
請於Patreon上成為我的會員! 謝謝您!


  1. I love this! Is the tray file still available? Couldn´t find it!

    1. Hi, this build is available on my Patreon. Thank you so much for liking my work. :)

  2. Hello! Could you send me the link please? Thank you!

  3. Ruby Red 蓋了漂亮的城堡>///< 真的很漂亮,我夢想中的城堡♥口♥ 少女心爆發

    1. Hello Ruby,請問你會收費幫忙客製化一間模4房子嗎?謝謝!

    2. 您好 我目前沒有接訂製的房屋喔 您可以告訴我您喜歡的風格資料等等..如果有機會我可以蓋出來.

  4. 請問有用光影效果類的MOD嗎? 照片怎都拍得這麼真實精細? 燈光 家具都好真實

  5. 請問有用光影或材質類的特效MOD嗎? 怎都看起來好精細細緻? 照片看起來真的太真實細緻了

    1. 謝謝! 我只有用Photoshop來修圖 沒有使用MOD 來增加亮度喔! :)

  6. This is one of the most beautiful lots ever created! Do you still make lots for sims 3?

    1. Wow! Thank you so much! I don't create for the Sims 3 anymore. I lost my old origin account. >_<

    2. Oh no! what a shame, anyways I really enjoy your work and am excited to see what you will build next!


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