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Welcome to our website, where we share high quality 3D content to enhance your gaming experience. Please Join us on Patreon to explore more. '

歡迎您來到我們的網站, 在這裡您可以找到我們為虛擬遊戲所製作的 3D 場景等作品, 若您喜歡我們的創作, 請成為我的會員提早下載我們的最新作品, 謝謝!
Hi, I'm Ruby Red. I am from Taiwan. Welcome to our website. To explore more of our work, please join us on Patreon. 歡迎大家來到我們的網站, 希望大家會喜歡我們的3D作品與場景 ♡ 請勿二次分享與販售我們的作品. 謝謝您!

Comment from Harris

My game is so much more beautiful because of you. Thank you for all your hard work and for sharing these lovely creations with us :)

Comment from Francis

Just added this into my game and had to come comment! The deco and design of this is just so lovely. The attention to every little detail is just amazing. I am in awe of your talent. I really love it and can't wait to play in it.

Comment from Teresa

So beautiful, Romantic , And splendid!!!! Wonderful build one of my favorites you are so creative and talented. Thank you

Sims3 Red Castle 紅堡



This castle is dedicated to Edward + Veronica 

About their story please visit here!  Story by Chiki Houng

給 妮卡與愛德華~

這棟城堡是我玩Sims以來蓋過最花時間也是最大的房子 自從蓋了禁閉的圖書館之後,

就更愛歌德風格的建築物, 希望你們在圖片中也能感受到我注入的心血...

關於妮卡與愛德華的故事 請看千秋的部落格 Reflection & Immortal

Built with all Eps up to Showtime (No stuff packs)

版本:  模擬市民3 , 世界歷險記, 夢想起飛, 夜店人生, 花樣年華, 完美寵物, 華麗舞台

EA Store items 物件:
Magical Faire Door 側小門, Haute Hacienda Dining Room- Cantina Candelabra,
Whodunnit Curtains, Full Force Firewood, Titanis Wallerie Wall Fan, Mask of Mystique,
Flambeaux Wall Lamp, Gothic Glamour Living Room- Technophobic's Terror Television,
Gothique Candle Stool, Once Upon a Time Cottage- Wisely the Owl Sculpture,
Statue of an Unknown Seamstress, Once Upon a Time Cottage- Guiding Light Lantern,
B. Harvard's Water Collection Set, The Great Lord So-and-So's Shield and Sword,
Boeuf Gras Dining Chair, Old Town Dining Table, Topper, Commodious Commode,
Worthington's Washbasin, Serious Artist's Easel, Stelevision Model V1,
Reynard The Raven, Poseidon's Fury, Penelope Bed.

*The patterns that I used for the livingroom and
dinningroom walls will not show up automatically.
After you place the lot, please manually reset the patterns. 
They are included in the download file and are
installed in your game, thank you!

**客廳與餐廳的牆壁圖樣不會自動出現, 請安裝後重新
調整壁紙與圖樣 已包含在檔案, 謝謝!



  1. ruby你好:)
    這紅堡好古典呀 請問可以下載的嗎?

    1. 哈囉 可以下載的 在上面有 DOWNLOAD 字樣 是下載連結 謝謝你 ^^

  2. Hello Ruby Red, loved his creations, you could send some of your creations to me, so delighted with the delicacy of the details of the houses favor.Fiquei, you are a girl photographer, congratulations. A dear embrace.

    My email is;

    1. Hi Marcia, thank you so much for your lovely comment. There's a "download" button at the end of my each article. It will lead you to Mediafire than you can download my work from there.

  3. Hey Ruby! I admire your talent. I just stopped to say - on this site someone claimed that your Red Castle it is Castle Lancroft and that is a lie! Here is administrator of the site Helen - Hope that they will delete it. Best wishes, Olly.

  4. Sorry I forgot the link

    1. Thank you so much Olly! I uploaded Red Castle in 2012/09/29, so I believe that he/she download and redecorated it and claim it’s her/his work… >_< It makes me feel kind of angry and sad that some people has no respect on creators’ hard work…

  5. Is there any blueprint that I can follow, so I can try to make one as my home sweet home?
    The layout and the walls are just to difficult for a new player to try

    1. Hi, I am sorry there are no blueprints for my houses. I don't know how to make blueprints for my homes. Sorry about that!

  6. Ruby你好,可以請問你,怎麼拍樓中樓嗎??

    1. 我記得按TAB 可以調整鏡頭高低 所以可以拍出樓中樓的樣子


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