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歡迎您來到我們的網站, 在這裡您可以找到我們為虛擬遊戲所製作的 3D 場景等作品, 若您喜歡我們的創作, 請成為我的會員提早下載我們的最新作品, 謝謝!
Hi, I'm Ruby Red. I am from Taiwan. Welcome to our website. To explore more of our work, please join us on Patreon. 歡迎大家來到我們的網站, 希望大家會喜歡我們的3D作品與場景 ♡ 請勿二次分享與販售我們的作品. 謝謝您!

Comment from Harris

My game is so much more beautiful because of you. Thank you for all your hard work and for sharing these lovely creations with us :)

Comment from Francis

Just added this into my game and had to come comment! The deco and design of this is just so lovely. The attention to every little detail is just amazing. I am in awe of your talent. I really love it and can't wait to play in it.

Comment from Teresa

So beautiful, Romantic , And splendid!!!! Wonderful build one of my favorites you are so creative and talented. Thank you

Sims 4 Sweet Delights 冰淇淋咖啡廳 Fixed!

Updated:  更新  修復樓梯與門窗
Staircase fixed.  CC windows batch fixed.

30 x 20 Ice Cream Cafe and a residential area on the second floor. 

Your sims can live and work on the same lot. 

The cafe functions as a restaurant.

30 x 20 用地, 1樓是店面, 2樓是住家, 此用地設定為餐廳. 

如果你有來去上班的資料片就可以住在2樓, 然後開自己的餐廳 .

Packs used: Discover University, Get Famous, Cats and Dogs, Get Together, Go to Work, Parenthood, Dine Out, Romantic Garden Stuff, Cool Kitchen Stuff

使用的資料片: 大學生活, 星夢起飛 , 貓狗總動員, 來去上班, 同歡共樂, 
Parenthood, Dine Out, Romantic Garden Stuff, Cool Kitchen Stuff

*Please enable “bb.moveobjects” before placing the lot
請開啟bb.moveobjects on 密技, 之後再放置用地

P.S.  The heart balloons by leosims  are not included.  I have replaced them with [Evelina nursery] balloons floor lamp by Severinka


  1. Gorgeous! I love everything about this cutie ♥

    1. Thank you so much! I like your creations as well. Thanks for your support and love. :)

  2. this is so gorgeous, i love it so much, want to get in and have the ice-cream ^^

  3. Oh lovely Ruby Red, thanks for letting us download.

  4. What a "sweet" build Ruby Red, just cheers me up every time you post a new creation. Makes me want to go out and have a big scrumptious ice-cream ;-) xx Nicola

    1. Thank you so much! I am glad you like it! :)

  5. 每次看到你的布置都好喜歡💗💗💗

  6. Have you got the cc links to this build? It is hard to go through all of the websites linked, apologies.

    1. The custom content is included in the download link. Which item would you like to know? The ice cream set is my recolor here:

  7. Hello,this is very cute ,my question is if you please can put it on the gallery,thanks.

    Love it

    1. I am so sorry. I will not upload my houses to the Sims 4 gallery anymore, because I have trouble logging into my EA account. My account has been hacked. >_< So please download the house tray files here.

  8. That means we will not be able to have the construction?

    1. Please download the trayfiles here:

      How to install the lot:

  9. I've had some trouble playing this. I put it on the lot I want but when I try to have my sim go there it says the place cant load. I've used bb.moveobjects on and have placed it in several different locations and it says it cant load everytime.

    1. Hi, Here are some photos taken by a simmer on instagram:

      So the lot should be working fine in the game. Do you have Dine Out expansion pack? Could you set the lot to something else. Like a cafe? See if the lot can load successfully.

  10. I love all of your works it was amazing!! Thank u for letting us download:D

    1. Thank you so much! I am glad you like my work.

  11. hi i want to ask if i don't have any dlc will i go to the restaurant anyway?

    1. No, You will need Dine Out expansion pack to have a functional restaurant. If you don't have any dlc. Some items will not show-up. But you can set the lot as a community lot.

  12. Hi! Where is the black ice cream display from, please? I have the "RubyRed Sweet Ice Cream Display (deco only) but there's only white, there's no black version. And I also have the recolors (from Leo I think) where there is a black version, but only with 1 swatch. I wanted to have 2 swatches to have more ice cream flavors, as it shows in your video. Could you please tell me where I can get the black version with 2 swatches? Thank you so much!


    1. Ruby Red
      3 天前
      Hi, I didn't recolor the ice cream display to black version. I use this natural stone wall to cover my ice cream display to make it in black color.


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